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Welcome to The Print Room: a website designed for the students on the Foundation Studies (Art and Design) course* at the University of South Wales.  If you are not on this course, please feel free to use this resource to refresh your printmaking skills and learn new techniques. 
Instructions for Students:  There are five printmaking techniques to learn.
Using the tabs above, navigate from left to right, so you begin with mono print and end with screen print.
On each page:
  • Watch the instructional You Tube video
  • Research the artist suggested and look at the example image – evidence this in your studio book.  (Click here for helpful notes on researching artists: in English, in Welsh/Cymraeg)
  • Download and print the PDF instructions – for use in the university print room
  • Create your own prints using a variety of the tips and tricks explained
  • Upload a photograph of your image to the forum 'gallery' thread and put the originals in your portfolio for assessment.
From The Student Room, you can access:
  • the gallery and vote on each other’s work  (work is uploaded to this page by The Print Room administrator)
  • the forum to upload your images and discuss the work, the research, or any issues or problems you have with the techniques
  • the feedback form to leave your opinions and evaluate the effectiveness of this resource
  • information about opportunities available to printmaking artists
  • ​a form to contact the web creator with any technical problems you are experiencing with this site.

*For use with the G106586 module of the syllabus: Proposing a Major Project; Stage 3 – Unit 8; Assessment Criteria: You can: 1.1 Work independently within defined timescales. 1.2 Identify and negotiate resources. 2.1 Extend visual enquiry through use of a variety of techniques. 2.2 Select media to explore and progress own proposals. 3.1 Demonstrate skill and control with materials and processes. 4.1 Appraise ideas and techniques, identifying opportunities for further developments. 5.1 Select and display an exposition of outcomes.

Notes for Teachers: This website is intended for use in conjunction with G106586 Stage 3, Unit 8 of the Foundation Studies (Art and Design) course.  You can view the relevant course documents here. Students will use the site for independent study and research to improve their confidence and skills in the University of South Wales print room.  Research in studio books and work uploaded to the gallery and featured in portfolios is assessed as part of the final major project, for completion by the end of the final term.  Please also leave feedback and contact me via The Student Room.

© The Print Room 2014. Created by Andrea Grottick, featuring original prints by Andrea Grottick and work in progress by Sarah Lee.

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